Getting Started

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

1. How can I contact Seller Support?

You can contact vendor support via e-mail.


2. Which fees will I have to pay to sell my products on souqfort?

The below breakdown of fees & commissions applies per item, and the rates differ according to the categories you’ll be using to sell your products on souqfort.

Detailed fees & commissions:

souqfort Service Fees & Commission

3. Which documents should I submit to open my store on souqfort? 

You can start selling on souqfort if you have a trading license.

Click here to see the list of required documents.

4. How long will it take to activate my store?

Your store will be activated once your registration is complete. You will be redirected to your Vendor’s Hub where you can upload your documents to get your store approved and start selling.

5. How long will it take to get my store approved?

It takes 24 to 48 hours to validate your store after submitting all the required documents. Once approved, your store will be live and you will be able to start selling.

6. What should I do after my store is activated?

Once your store is activated you can start setting up your store right away, the first step would be to upload your documents for verification and start filling all the necessary information i.e. Store Logo, Banner, Contact Details, Social Network Details, Bank Account, and start listing your products. Click here to learn how to set up a store and list your product.

7. When will I be paid for a sale made on souqfort?

You have flexibility to withdraw your payments as per your convenience.  The minimum amount you can withdraw is AED100.

Once you withdraw the amount, the bank starts to process payments, and you should receive them in your bank account within 3 to 7 business days. Also, a bank transaction ID, and a detailed payslip are provided with each payment.

8. What is Vendor’s Hub?

Vendor’s Hub is souqfort’s in-house interface which helps you sell your products and manage your store on souqfort.

9. Will I be liable to pay VAT to the government?

Vendors are liable to pay the VAT to the government. Souqfort raises legal tax invoices to customers on the vendor’s behalf which can be accessed from the vendor’s hub.

You’ll also be provided a souqfort fee tax invoice for all fees & commissions that get deducted from you. You can use the fee tax invoices to claim your input VAT from the government.

10. Are souqfort Fees & Commissions inclusive of VAT?

No, souqfort fees are exclusive of VAT.

11. How many products can I add to Souqfort Vendors Hub?

You can add as many products as you want in the vendor’s hub. It can be as little as 2 or 3 products to start with.

Click here to Learn how to add products.

12. How can I change the SKU, Name, or product description? 

You can change your product details by accessing products panel of Vendor’s Hub and go to products and select your product and click on edit.

13. How can I change my store name?

You can change your store name and any of your store information i.e. Store Address, Contact Details, Store Category, Store Timings through your Vendor’s Dashboard settings.

14. Why is my product not live on souqfort?

It takes at least 24 hours for the product approval once the product has been created and submitted. You will be notified via email once your product is approved. Click on the product, then check Status to see if your product live or pending.

If all the requirements are met, and your product is still not live, reach out to Vendor Support at and provide your store name and product information so that we can assist you.

15. [TBC] What is Customer Invoice on the Statement Tab of the Vendor’s Hub?

It is a copy of the legal tax invoice raised by souqfort to the customer on the vendor’s behalf.

16. [TBC] What is Souqfort fees Invoice on the Statement Tab of the Vendor’s Hub?

The souqfort fees invoice provides a clear breakdown of the fees & commissions that are deducted by from each order. souqfort fees invoices can also reflect, souqfort promotions, penalties charged to the vendors, or to souqfort.

The souqfort fees invoices are issued on a weekly basis with each payment statement.

17. What are announcements on the dashboard of the Vendor’s Hub?

It is vendor related updates, news, notices, announcements from souqfort to the group of vendors or a specific vendor.

18. What is Payment in the settings of the Vendor’s Hub?

It is a withdraw method available for you. Please update your payment information in the payment section to submit withdraw requests and get your store payments seamlessly.

19. What is withdraw in the Vendor’s Hub?

It is where you can withdraw your earnings once you reach the minimum withdrawal amount.

20. Is there any marketing campaign to promote the product online?

Yes, souqfort can help you promote your products directly on the website through banners, brand store, events, and social media. Reach out to Vendor Support to get the latest marketing schemes.


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